Brain and Body Integration - Who We Are and Why we Succeed


The Brain and Body Integration vision is to conduct assessments that answer specific questions about an individual, and to outline a path to wellness that optimizes chances for success, happiness, and understanding. 

Mission Statement

The mission of Brain and Body Integration is to provide quality assessments to the people of Colorado.  Brain and Body Integration is able to evaluate any person in the state of Colorado, although our practice has historically focused on under-served populations. Brain and Body Integration believes that our evaluations can answer questions regarding psychological, neurocognitive, and neurodevelopmental issues. These questions are answered clearly, succinctly, and in a manner that provides clarity and comprehension.  In addition to the answers our practice can provide, Brain and Body Integration strives to formulate detailed and comprehensive treatment plans to address any identified issues. Brain and Body Integration is committed to achieve these tasks in a warm and friendly clinical environment. Our team of committed mental health professionals collaborate and work together to combine knowledge, experience, and compassion to best meet the needs of our clients. In addition, Brain and Body Integration believes that by answering these important questions and providing a corresponding plan for treatment, our team can increase the odds of an overall successful outcome.  This successful outcome can then lead to increased happiness, understanding, and an ability to address any issue with confidence.

Value statement

The culture of BBI is driven by respect, transparency, collaboration, and professionally compassionate communication. We believe that our path to success demands a healthy team-oriented environment, and a commitment to caring for ourselves and others on our team. Our drive and passion to achieve excellence in clinical assessment represents the core of our clinical soul. We are undeterred and undaunted by our mission, and we are intrinsically motivated to elevate the standard of clinical assessment in Colorado.

We have two locations in Colorado including a Colorado Springs office and a Denver office.