Dedicated to Your Mental Health Needs
We Accept Health Insurance
We understand the importance of using your health benefits to pay for medical and mental health related services. We accept a variety of health insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare, in order to reduce the burden of paying out of pocket for this service. We are in-network with the following plans: Medicaid, Medicare, Cigna, United, Partner Direct Health, Aetna, Kaiser, Tricare West, and TriWest. Please be sure to contact your health insurance company to determine if evaluations are a covered service within your specific health plan. You may also want to contact your health insurance plan to determine what out-of-pocket costs you may owe after your deductible, co-pay, and co-insurance are accounted for. In addition, you can contact our mental health services office to discuss our cash price if you will not be using insurance to pay for the evaluation.
Psychological tests are designed to assess for the presence of mental health disorders and personality disorders. These evaluations can assist in treatment planning, legal proceedings, and medical treatment. Our assessments also generate treatment recommendations to guide our clients on the path of recovery and wellness.
Neuropsychological tests can assess a variety of concerns, both psychological and intellectual disabilities, language disorders, neurodevelopment disorders, and neurocognitive disorders. Our evaluations can assess for memory impairment, adaptive functioning, and can provide a picture of an individual’s current neuropsychological functioning.
Autism spectrum
Recent studies have shown that Autism Spectrum Disorder affects 1 in 68 children. With such a high prevalence rate, early screening and intervention is paramount to achieving improved communication and social abilities. Contact our team of experts to see if your child would benefit from this evaluation.
Learning disorder
Many children struggle to succeed in a typical academic environment. One factor that can impede their success is the presence of a learning disorder. Our evaluations for learning disorders assess in the areas of math, reading, and writing. We also assess for cognitive impairments and underlying cognitive abilities that may impact academic performance.
adaptive functioning
Adaptive functioning evaluations consist of an IQ test and an adaptive functioning test. The state of Colorado often requires this test to determine if children with developmental disabilities qualify for services through local community centered boards.