psychology doctoral internship / post-doctoral internship training program
Brain and Body Integration offers a one-year, full time doctoral level and post-doctoral training program in the areas of psychological/neuropsychological assessment, diagnosis, consultation, and supervision. Training takes place in a large private practice setting and offers training in Clinical Psychology. The internship program is based on a 40-hour week, for 12 months. Interns spend an average of 15-24 hours per week of face-to-face time with clients. This program also includes time-off for holidays, sick days, and vacation. The program begins the first week of August, and is completed one year later. The total training comprises approximately 2000 hours of supervised experience
The aims of the Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology are:
- To produce competent psychologists that are trained for practice in the general skill domains of clinical psychology
- To train interns to be experts in the field of psychological assessment.
- To integrate the Scientist-Practitioner model with practical knowledge and understanding of professional ethics
The internship program provides particular emphasis on: diagnosis, assessment, and clinical conceptualization. In addition, the interns are expected to develop professional and collegial relationships with staff and other interns. They are also expected to develop their own professional identity by functioning effectively as members of multi-disciplinary teams that includes professionals from many different agencies. Interns are expected to become proficient in the provision of psychological services and to enhance the professional qualities necessary to participate effectively in different organizational settings.
Brain and Body Integration is a large private mental health clinic located in Denver, Colorado and Colorado Springs, Colorado. Internships are offered at both the Colorado Springs and Denver locations. Dawn Berry, Ph.D. is the Director of Training at Brain and Body Integration. A team of seven clinical psychologists provide individual supervision, group supervision, and didactic training to doctoral interns and post-doctoral interns. Both training locations are equipped with psychologist testing instruments, computers, and offices for clinical use. An administrative assistant is available to assist with scheduling and daily management of administrative/office issues.

Each doctoral and post-doctoral intern is expected to perform three psychological evaluations per week. Interns will be trained in the following assessments: Psychological, Neuropsychological, Learning Disorder, Adaptive Functioning, and Autism. Assessments are performed with children, adolescents, and adults. Didactic seminars occur twice per week. Didactics are created to be specific to the assessment rotation that is current, as well as to focus on other related clinical skills and competencies. Group supervision occurs once per week for one hour. Individual supervision is offered three times per week, for a total of two hours per week.
Admission Requirements to the Doctoral Internship Program
- Interns must have completed their formal academic coursework at a degree granting program in professional psychology
- Interns must be in good standing in their academic program
- Interns must not have legal history that would prevent licensure or the practice of psychology in the state of Colorado
- Interns must be fluent (both verbal and written fluency) in the English language
- Interns must provide proof of malpractice insurance (typically provided by their degree granting program)
Eligibility Requirements to the Post Doctoral Internship Program
Eligibility for a post-doctoral internship position requires completion of all doctoral degree requirements from a regionally accredited institute of higher education or APA/CPA accredited program with a conferred degree, submission of all information necessary for a psychologist candidate (PSYC) temporary permit to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, no legal history that would prevent licensure or practice of psychology in the state of Colorado, fluency in both the verbal and written English language, and proof of malpractice insurance.
Doctoral interns receive a competitive stipend. Interns are provided with 5 paid vacation days to be used during the internship year, and 5 paid days of personal leave
aims and competencies
To provide the best training possible, Brain and Body Integration has solidified aims and competencies for the Psychological Internship Training Program.
aim 1:
Produce competent psychologists that are trained for practice in general skill domains of clinical psychology
competencies for aim 1
- Become competent in psychological assessment and mental health diagnosis
- Design effective and evidence based treatment plans
- Learn to consult with supervisors and colleagues
- Learn the skills necessary for appropriate client interactions and feedback
aim 2:
Integrate professional standards of practice, theory, professional attitudes, and clinical skills
competencies for aim 2
- Train interns to understand psychological research and apply research to practice
- Train interns in the scientist-practitioner model of practice
aim 3:
Integrate the Scientist-Practitioner model with practical knowledge and understanding of professional ethics
competencies for aim 3
- Teach interns the APA standard of ethics and local Colorado revised statutes regarding ethics, and help interns apply these standards to professional practice
aim 4:
Produce competencies in individual and cultural diversity
competencies for aim 4
- Understand the role that diversity and individual difference plays in psychological assessment
- Conceptualize clients appropriately given diverse backgrounds, and
learn to choose culturally sensitive interventions and assessments for different populations