What is the difference between a therapist and a psychologist?
This is a great question as you navigate the world of therapy and therapist and want to understand the difference between a therapist and a psychologist, particularly in terms of training and education. I will start by answering the question directly, then I will dovetail into the various levels of education and training that different therapists will have. Here is a good rule of thumb, when looking at a therapist vs a psychologist, clinical and counseling psychologists are all trained to be therapists, but not all therapists are psychologists. For instance, a clinical or counseling psychologist has had training in therapy that includes formal education, and clinical experience throughout the course of their doctoral program. These doctoral programs are generally five years in length. The fifth-year generally constitutes the pre-doctoral internship. Then, the vast majority of states require that a psychologist candidate pursue one extra year of post-doctoral training before the candidate can qualify to be a licensed psychologist. During this period of education and clinical experience, the psychologist is trained to be a therapist.

So all clinical and counseling psychologists are trained to be therapists, what about practitioners who do not have a doctorate in psychology? In Colorado, we have two types of Master’s degree-level practitioners that are licensed and regulated by the state. One is called a Licensed Professional Counselor
(LPC), and the other is called a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Both practitioners are trained to be therapists as part of their Master’s degree training. They both complete coursework in therapy, and they are both required to complete clinical training during their Master’s program. Then, they both must complete two years of supervised clinical experience post-degree before they are licensed as an LPC or LCSW. The educational experience between an LPC and an LCSW is different in some aspects, although both specialists receive training in therapy. The focus on therapy experience seems to be more emphasized in the training of an LPC. However, many LCSW practitioners have focused on therapy training as part of their program and oftentimes they may have just as much clinical experience providing therapy as a LPC.
That’s a lot of information regarding your decision to seek out therapy from a trained professional. A common question at this point might be: should I seek treatment from an LPC, LCSW, or a psychologist? Here is my favorite answer to give as a psychologist: it depends. Not all therapists have equivalent therapy skills regardless of their training. I have met highly skilled therapy providers within all three professions, and I have met therapy providers from all three professions that I would never refer to for any reason. So, considering the differences between a therapist and a psychologist, my advice is to check out the therapist’s website first.
See if their philosophy about treatment is congruent with your conceptualization of healing and change. Then, schedule a consultation
via phone. Have a thoughtful conversation with the provider to see if they are an expert in their field, and have the skills and compassion to become your treatment provider.
Then, I highly encourage everyone seeking therapy to consider the first two sessions of therapy as a compatibility gauge. Just because you schedule one or two, or more appointments with a therapist does not mean that you have to “stick it out” with them. If it’s not a good fit, change therapists earlier instead of later. At the end of the day, you want to be with a therapist who makes you feel comfortable, understood, and validated, and someone who is able to shed light on the path to change. You are the consumer, and you should be empowered to choose which provider is the best fit to meet your treatment needs.
If you’re still looking for a concise mental health assessment while considering the difference between a therapist and a psychologist, give our local experts here at Brain & Body Integration a call today to finally get the answers you deserve. Our offices in both Colorado Springs and Denver can get you on the right path ASAP.